Thursday, August 13, 2009

I Have An Idea...

In the vein of all the antigovernment protests at these town hall meetings, I have an idea. Why not give these people what they want?

We can free up some land. Maybe a whole state, say, Nevada or Utah or both! (Texas is prime territory for this, but you will see why I excluded it as you read on.)

Here's the deal. We establish Nevada and Utah as a free-for-all zone and all the anti-American types can set up shop there. Form their own government, do whatever they want. The remaining 48 states will set up a border around these states. Fortified to the gills with whatever we can muster. These people are on their own. No trade and certainly no aid. Their planes cannot fly over US airspace and they cannot leave their little enclave that they begged so much for. Of course, the US government will have to remove all traces of itself from these states and that will be done. Also, they will have to agree to let whoever wants out to leave within a time period agreed to by both sides, because after the deadline that will be the last time anyone who enters or stays will leave those areas.

I mentioned there will be no trade. There will be no trade. Not with the US or anyone else. No medical equiptment, no medicine, no food, no goods, no nothing, no kidding. See, these people are bent on the idea that they will do just fine without any help. I am just putting that into action. Sometimes, people need a little encouragment and to paraphrase one Missouri rep, there is no better encouragement than starvation and illness.

This is why I took Texas out of the offering. Texas has a long coast line and people can leave or come here and steal and murder and take our jobs.

Nevada and Utah were chosen because they have the least to offer culturally to the US right now. I know, we are giving up Bryce Canyon and Zion, but let the polygamists take it. And Nevada has Las Vegas which is nothing more than a trailer park with lights and every town has a trailer park and many states have gambling now. Hell, Atlantic City is more fun anyway.

This can happen people! This would be one grand experiment. Our own little Afghanistan that we can peek into at anytime. We can actually watch the collapse of a civilization before our eyes. Let the papers get written, the Nobels handed out...just remember where you got the idea ;)

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